Western Massachusetts Industrial Pistol League (WMIPL) Rules


Western Mass Industrial Pistol League Rules

2024 - 2025 Season     


1. SEASON: The league season shall begin on the last Thursday in October or first Thursday in November based on the Executive board’s recommendation. The range will open 12:00PM -1:00PM and 4:00PM - 8:00PM. The range door will be closed to incoming competitors at 8:00PM. Practice will be allowed only with the permission of the range safety officer, and under match conditions. Practice targets must be provided by the shooter, don’t use league targets for practice.

2. NEW SHOOTERS: New shooters qualifying will have to pay league dues on the first night of qualifying. Qualifying times for new shooters will be 4:30PM – 7:00PM. For qualifying new competitors, the season will start four Thursdays before the season begins.  All members must have a valid Massachusetts LTC to participate. New shooters will be classified according to the results of the first 9 targets of three matches. New shooters will be considered as such, if they have not shot within the previous 2 years.

3. WAIVERS: All members must sign their waiver, pay their dues, and show their LTC to verify expiration date during the three qualifying weeks in order to be eligible to participate in the league. The fee will cover the cost of prizes, printing, range rental, targets and administration expenses.

4. VOTING: The league shall be governed by the votes of the team representatives. Each team is entitled to one representative (usually the team captain). The Executive Committee will consist of league officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Statistician.

5. WINNING: The league will shoot rounds as needed. The team scoring the highest number of wins at the end of the last round will be the winner of the division. If a tie occurs, the team that won the most matches shooting against each other will be declared the winner. If a tie still exists, (to the nearest .0000’s place) then the team with the highest aggregate (handicap not included) will win.

6. TEAMS: Teams will consist of no more than 6 people and no less than 4 people. Team captains are responsible for obtaining team member phone numbers, and notifying them of the team’s range duty night.

7. SCORES AND REGULATIONS: The scoring of all matches and shooting regulations shall in accordance with N.R.A. rules which can be found here: Click Me!. Team captains will settle disputes. The statistician will make the final decision. The only authorized person to use a scoring plug in this league is the statistician. All others may use a scoring disk. Competitors have only two weeks after shooting (not including the week the target was shot) to appeal their scores.  Team captains may appeal any score in their division up to two weeks after the score was recorded. Shooting shall be done with any .22 caliber handgun. The trigger pull of all guns shall be weighed before the match starts if challenged, pull shall not be less than 2 pounds. The same gun shall be used for all stages of the N.G.C. as stated in the N.R.A. rulebook. Aimpoint style sights or scopes up to 2x magnification may be used. The use of lasers is prohibited.

8. SHOOTING AHEAD: Shooting up to two matches ahead is allowed after week #3, prior to week #4 only two matches total may be shot in a single week not to exceed two matches ahead of the current week. No make-ups will be allowed. If the competitor shoots beyond this restriction those targets will be discarded.  In the case of three matches in a single week prior to week #4 the highest scoring match will be discarded. The league President can waive this rule for special circumstances. 

9. CARRYING WEAPONS: No competitor shall carry a gun unless he/she is duly licensed. Violation of this rule will make the competitor ineligible for the balance of the season.

10. PRIZES: League prizes will consist of Team Member plaques for all division champions. Individual plaques for all classes (A, B, C etc.) include high score, individual average and most improved shooter. No individual plaques will be awarded to new shooters: you MUST be a WMIPL member for two or more consecutive years. Special awards may be given at the discretion of the Executive Committee for perfect scores on any target shot in a qualified match and witnessed by the range officer. If ties exist for individual plaques, a plaque will be awarded to each individual who qualifies, if money is available.  A minimum of 12 of the matches MUST be participated in for a person to be eligible for individual league prizes. Team members qualified to receive team awards must have also participated in 12 of the matches.

11. HANDICAPS: Wins and losses are evaluated using a handicap system.  The handicap system works as follows:  A rolling three week handicap average for the two teams shooting against each other will be compared.  The difference between the two handicap averages will be multiplied by 0.8000.  If the fraction is .5000 or more then the result is rounded up.  The end handicap is added to the lower team's aggregate score for the match and the highest match score or match score + handicap wins.  

     Example:  Team X handicap average = 1265, Team Y handicap average = 1194, Difference = 71.  71 * 0.8000 = 56.8000.  The result is rounded to 57.000 as the handicap for Team Y.  Team X scores 1245, Team Y scores 1199.  1199 + 57 = 1256 therefore Team Y wins the week's match.

12. MISSED MATCHES:  If a shooter misses a match, the score for that match will be their average minus 10 points. If a shooter’s target is not properly identified with shooter I.D., shooter name, team name, match number, and date the target will be discarded and may result in a missed match. In the event of severe weather, the Executive Committee may cancel or postpone the match. For cancellation notices read email, go to the website, or contact your team captain.

13. ALIBI: There are no alibis during the slow-fire round. In timed and rapid fire you may have only one per target (10 shots). If a shooter is issued incorrect targets and / or shoots in the wrong order they must shoot all 3 targets over again or forfeit the match.

14. RANGE RESPONSIBILITIES: Team responsibilities on your designated night to run the range are as follows:

  • Provide a range safety officer for each match (Must read range safety rules prior to every match) 
  • Hand out targets
  • Score targets (Must check that targets are appropriately filled out, legible, and of the correct type)
  • Sell 50/50 raffle tickets
  • Sweep up the entire range
  • Lock up league equipment

15. COST: The fee for the use of the Ludlow Fish and Game Club range and league costs is $50.00 per shooter per season and must be paid by the first week of the season. 

16. PPE: Safety glasses and hearing protection are required. No one will be admitted to the range without it.

17. EXECUTIVE BOARD: Duties of the officers:

       Section A: The President shall call and preside over meetings of the WMIPL. The President, as chairman of the Executive Committee, shall have the power to make such appointments of decisions as being necessary to carry on the best interest of the league. These appointments and/or decisions are to be subject to the approval and ratification of the Executive Committee and / or team captains. He / she shall, with the Treasurer, sign all written contracts and obligations of the association, i.e., the bank account.

      Section B: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the latter, and shall perform any such additional duties, as required of him/her by the President. He/she shall automatically fill the office of the President in the event of resignation or the death of the President until a successor is elected.

      Section C: The Treasurer shall have charge of and be responsible for all moneys received and belonging to the organization. He/she shall disburse such moneys received as authorized by association commitments and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall keep adequate records of money received and disbursed. A financial report shall be submitted at each league meeting. A formal written report shall be published to the league members yearly at the Annual meeting for their information. The Executive Committee may call for a financial report at any time. Receipts shall be given by the Treasurer for and moneys received. He/she shall payout all monies by check.

      Section D: The Secretary of the association shall record the minutes of the Executive Committee, regular or special meetings. He/she shall conduct the general correspondence of the association.

      Section E: The Statistician of the league shall be responsible for the tabulation and documentation of all matches results for each team as well as for each individual shooter. The form of documentation may vary as the Executive Committee and match rules dictate. The account of the report shall include individual score, individual average, team total score and team win / loss data. The Statistician shall be the only person authorized to alter the score on a target and shall be the only person authorized to use the scoring "plug" to check scores or settle disputes.

18. RULE CHANGES: A simple majority at a Team Captain's meeting may amend these Bylaws. The recommendations of the Executive Committee shall be given prior to the vote 

19. TARGET USE:  The league is commissioned for the use of paper targets only.  Official league targets are only to be used during official matches (including qualification), NEVER for practice.

20. DUMMY SHOOTERS: The weekly score for a dummy shooter at the start of the league will be the average of the actual shooters on the team prior to week 1 (the average of the last year’s averages). Team captains are responsible for declaring a dummy shooter to the Statistician. A dummy shooter can be declared after the member misses 3 or more consecutive weeks. Once a shooter has been declared a dummy, the shooter will not be able to return for the rest of the year unless there was a medical reason, or a reason that was agreed on by the Executive Committee.  A replacement shooter may be substituted for the dummy shooter if one is available with a reasonably close average to the shooter who is declared dummy. If no replacement is substituted the weekly score for the dummy shooter will be the average score of that shooter at the time they were declared.

21. DISQUALIFICATION: A shooter that is disqualified for a match for any reason will get a one for that match, as a zero will not count as a week shot in the computer program.

22. FAILURE TO WORK: If any member fails to work on their team night the cost of their banquet ticket will be an additional $20.00 over the cost of the banquet ticket. If that member does not attend the banquet the $20.00 fine will be added to the following years dues.

Notice: We are the guests, albeit paying, of the Ludlow Fish and Game Club. Each individual's actions are a reflection of the entire league. Please act accordingly:    

      NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES SHALL BE CONSUMED prior to going in the range. The Range Master will be responsible for ensuring that this is strictly enforced. Violation will result in expulsion for the season. Clean your tables before departing. No Billiards or Jukebox until 9:00 PM.

ALL MEMBERS WILL ACT IN A SPORTSMANS-LIKE MANNER at all times during the competition.  Any league member found to be disrespectful, disruptive, or belligerent will be asked to leave for the remainder of the current match and may be removed from the league for the remainder of the season at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 




The Center Fire League will accept non-WMIPL members if they shoot at least (1) qualifying match in the presence of a designated WMIPL member and sign a WMIPL range waiver form. All non-members will not be eligible for prizes, and may not attend the banquet





     NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE shall be brought into or consumed on the range. NO individual under the influence of alcohol or any other substance or deemed by the appropriate authority to be under the influence shall use or be present on the range. VIOLATION MEANS LOSS OF RANGE PASS.

     All firearms displayed or handled behind the firing line must be unloaded and must have the action open at all times. NO loaded firearms shall be left unattended on the firing line or ports. NO loaded firearm is to be carried in holster.

     All firearms on the range must be pointed downrange at all times; specifically avoid pointing guns at the ceiling and keep your finger off the trigger until your gun is pointed at the target. When clearing a jam, keep firearm pointed down range.

    There will be NO trick shooting, or shooting at a target other than the one assigned to your shooting station.

     All shooters and spectators must conduct themselves in an orderly manner, keeping noise and other distractions to an absolute minimum. The rights of other shooters and spectators must be respected.

     All personnel on the range must wear ear and eye protection while firing is in progress. NO EXCEPTIONS.

      NO individual shall handle any firearm while any person is in front of the firing line. NO one shall go forward of the line until a "CEASE FIRE" has been called and the line has been made safe.

      Any individual is expected to call "CEASE FIRE" immediately if an unsafe condition becomes apparent.

      Any "CEASE FIRE" must be obeyed instantly.

      There will be NO firing of the barricade position from the firing ports.

      There is NO smoking in the firing ports or anywhere else in the range.

      NO armor-piercing or incendiary ammunition is allowed. NO exploding targets are allowed.

      NO shotguns or center-fire rifles; this includes those chambered for handgun cartridges.

      NO casull 454 revolvers.

      NO handguns chambered for rifle cartridges.

      NO exposed firearms are to be worn in the bar room or seating area. All firearms are to be cased or out of sight. VIOLATION MEANS LOSS OF RANGE PASS.

      Report any and all breakage of equipment to range officer or bartender on duty.

      All caliber firearms from 22LR through 45 may be used; lead or ball or JHP.

       Clean up after yourself. This means down range also. Put used brass in proper container. DO NOT EXIT BY SIDE DOOR.


Aggregate (competitor): The cumulative season total per competitor.

Aggregate (Team): Weekly unhandicapped team score.

Aggregate Average: Total of teams scores aggregates divided by weeks shot.

Division: Placement of teams in divisions is determined by the cumulative LYA's of current team members. The four teams whose current team members have the highest cumulative LYA's will compose Division "A", the second four highest will compose Division "B" and so on.

Handicap: By league rules the scoring system provides for a "handicap" to be imposed when two opposing teams are of different skill levels in an effort to increase fairness. The handicap system in place provides for additional points to be included in the score of the "lesser" able two opposing teams. Specifically, these added points are equal to 80% of the difference between the two team's previous weeks aggregate average. (Note: League rules specify the use of LYAA's to determine week one's handicap).

Handicap Average: Rolling three week average calculated by summing the last three weeks' aggregate scores and dividing by 3.  Exceptions:  Week 1 Handicap average is calculated using the LYAA; Week 2 handicap average is calculated using LYAA + LYAA + Week1 aggregate score; Week 3 handicap average is calculated using LYAA + Week1 aggregate score + Week 2 aggregate score.

LYA: Each competitor's previous season's average score. (For new shooters, their average qualifying score will substitute for their LYA).

LYAA: The sum of team member's LYA's.

Missed Week's Score:  While a competitor may shoot ahead by up to two weeks if space allows, shooting back is not allowed. Instead, the missing competitor will be assigned a score equal to the competitor's season average thus far minus ten points. The missed week's score will be indicated by a boxed score.

Updated Week's Score:  A contested score that results in a changed value will be indicated by bold on the score sheet.

CL: The individual class ranking of team members. This class is determined at the start of each season by dividing all individuals' LYA's into 6 ranked groups. 

Please note that these class rankings are given to both new and old shooters for informational purposes.


Dummy: The name assigned to a team member declared absent for the remainder of the season by his/her captain, (see rules). I.e.Dummy>wk4 means that this team position was made absent after week 4.